In no particular order, here are some facts about me:
- My last name is pronounced sol-dah-ee-nee; stress is on the first i (
in IPA). - My Erdös number is 3: I coauthored at least one paper with Ophir Frieder, Ophir Frieder wrote a manuscript with Frank Harary, Frank Harary was a collaborator of Paul Erdös.
- My Bacon number is 5 if you agree with Saumya that podcasts should count. Nathan invited OLMo leads on his podcast, Nathan podded with Lex Fridman, Lex interviewed Kevin Spacey in 2024, Kevin co-starred with Brad Pitt in Se7en (1995), and Brad was in Sleepers (1996).
- Adding the two, my Erdös-Bacon number is 8. I would like a less cursed Bacon path 😢 Do you have a spot for me in your next production?
- I love raccoons VERY, VERY MUCH. Please send me raccoon content.
- I maintain a website with all my favorite nonsensical AI-generated images at ThisPrintDoesNotExist.com.
- Like Helen, I enjoy building unnecessary things with machine learning.
- My 10th degree academic ancestor is Siméon Denis Poisson. Find the rest of my academic lineage on this page.